7 October 2014 Julianna Visco and Emogene Cataldo
location: Chandler 260
activity: carving wax medallion mold
first side digging into the wax to create outline of horse
reverse side removing background to create a raised letter V
9 October 2014 Julianna Visco and Emogene Cataldo
location: Springfield, NJ
activity: finishing touches on carving wax medallion mold
10 October 2014 Julianna Visco and Emogene Cataldo
location: Chandler 260
activity: plaster casting
Pressed our wax molds into clay.
Tonny B. poured plaster into our clay molds.
10 October 2014 Julianna Visco and Emogene Cataldo
location: Springfield NJ (basement)
activity: distilling essential oil from garden grown peppermint